Saat ve Yer
May 25, 2021, 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM
Zoom Conference
Etkinlik Hakkında
Presentation :Engin Emin Turk
Business Engineer (MSc)
Ecofuturist , Business Developer,
Purpose of Education
The most difficult e-mail writing in internal and external correspondence; how to address, content and closure, The tricks of the effect of your digital footprint on your career in social media usage will be explained.
Who Should Attend?
all professionals who want to improve themselves in written communication and e-mail writing, and business people.
Content of the Training
- Unwritten rules of communication by e-mail
- Being in the digital world
- Is social media freedom or bondage?
- Digital footprint impacting career
Educational program
Duration _8df6fbcc-43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8a511-2eb009ed8ad__8df6df611d3d8d3b009d8a2d__8df6fbcc-43d3-3d99-a511-2eb009ed8ad__8df6d8d3d3d8d8d8d3b009d8d8a3d8d3b009d8d8a3d8d8d3293d8d8d8d8d3293d8d8d8d8d8d32931 day / 2 hours
The price is _8df611dcc-a009d8a2d_ _8df611dcc-a00d2993f611dcc-200d299₺ (Including VAT) / This is the participation fee per person.
Certificate :At the end of this training program, OBAY Training and Consultancy approved “E-Certificate”is given.
Quota:This program is min. It opens with the 12th participant.
International and University Collaboration Certificate
OBAY Training and Consultancy ASTM 2659 American Standardscertifies accordingly. 3 hours or more online or face-to-face trainings depending on the request of our participantsValid worldwide verification codeWith the ICCW approved international certificate that can be questioned with and again with the cooperation of ICCWAltınbaş -SEM or Gedik-SEMapproved certification. Certificates are charged separately.
If you want to know about certificate fees info@obay.com.trfrom orWhatsApp : 0538 940 02 96 you can contact us.
Terms of payment
For Payment by Credit Card:You can use the iyzico Easy and Secure payment method. You can follow the directions while registering for the training.
bank details for cash payment;
Tuition Fee Buyer : Olcay Baytan
Description: OBAY Training and Consultancy
It can be deposited to Denizbank TR36 0013 4000 0068 8337 6000 02 account.In order to complete the final registration process, the bank receipt must be sent to us before the training program.
When Writing a Resume....
TRY 175.00Tax: KDV includedSale ended
TRY 0.00